Friday, October 28, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Introduction to the Phonics Dance!
Check out the first 20 sounds we have learned this year! We use these sounds everyday to chunk words when we are reading and writing.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Doubles Rap!
We have started a new 'club' in our classroom. It is called the Doubles Double Bubble Club. I will start checking students on their doubles facts after conference week. Once our whole class knows their facts in a snap, we will celebrate by chewing bubble gum one day as well as blowing bubbles outside as a class!
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Happy Fall!
We had a blast celebrating the first day of fall today! We put on our imaginary white lab coats and got to work first thing on a science experiment. Using oil, water, and vinegar we predicted which liquid would dissolve a candy corn the fastest. The winner was...drum roll... WATER! We also built 2D and 3D shapes using toothpicks, candy corn, and candy corn marshmallows. They kids made some awesome things!Finally, we taste tested red, green, and yellow apples to see which one our class liked the best. As you can tell from our graph, our class liked yellow and green apples the best!

Friday, September 16, 2016
Testing Snacks
Thank you to everyone who was able to send in snack donations this week. The kids seemed to look forward to their special snack each day!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Room Mom
Our official room mom is Elizabeth Boland. She will be helping me get things organized throughout the year for our awesome little class. :)
Her email address is:
If you are interested in helping out, please let her know!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Weather Project
We have been learning about all different kinds of weather this quarter. We have even been tracking the weather and keeping a weather journal! We got to become meteorologists in the tech lab and use a green screen to report the weather too! Check it out!
Ms. Britton's Class from Due West Elementary on Vimeo.
Thank you so much for sending your kiddos in with their class t-shirt on today! They looked awesome for the first day of CogAT. We will be testing through Thursday,so please be sure your child is getting a good night's rest and is eating breakfast!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Spelling Ideas
If you are tired of doing the same things to practice your child's spelling words at home, here are some different ideas you and your child may enjoy!
Happy spelling! :)
Friday, September 2, 2016
We have had an awesome week! We earned our 100th Pride Tally and will be celebrating on Friday! Way to go Ms. Britton's class. :)
We also have continued to work on weather this week, while also introducing the water cycle. We even made our very own miniature water cycles in the classroom. We will watch to see the water evaporate!
One of our class animals will start coming home with students this weekend. Don't worry, its a stuffed animal! His name is Chipper and he comes with a journal for students to fill out about their weekend with him. We will keep this as a class book in our library! Have fun with him!
Enjoy your three day weekend! I will see the students back on Tuesday, September 6th.
We also have continued to work on weather this week, while also introducing the water cycle. We even made our very own miniature water cycles in the classroom. We will watch to see the water evaporate!
One of our class animals will start coming home with students this weekend. Don't worry, its a stuffed animal! His name is Chipper and he comes with a journal for students to fill out about their weekend with him. We will keep this as a class book in our library! Have fun with him!
Enjoy your three day weekend! I will see the students back on Tuesday, September 6th.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Building to 120!
We had a surprise show up on Tuesday...
We opened it today and found new centers and hard hats! We 'built' numbers to 120 this morning. We also 'built' our very own rain gauges to use at home!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
We passed Mrs. Airman's Media Center test and are officially good to check out books!
Students will be bringing home their media center books today. We will keep them for a couple of days until we are able to go back to the Media Center and check in as a class. Once we have done this, students will be free to check out when they are done with their book.
Here are some pictures of us checking out the library!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
A few pictures from last week...
We have also started talking about weather in class. We worked together to make science posters to help us remember all of our weather vocabulary!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
I am having so much fun getting to know all of your children this week! We have started practicing how we go to centers as well as how we work together at them. We have also been making class graphs and using them to find out information. So far we have done a How We Went Home graph and a How Long Is My Name graph.
We are also practicing the routines of a new classroom. We are working together as a class to earn Pioneer Pride Tallies. When we reach 100 we have a earned a class reward which we will vote on. So far we have earned 38! We earn them when everyone in the class is doing the right thing, we receive a compliment, or the whole class is just going above and beyond the expectation! I can't wait to see how many more tallies we will earn this week!
If you did not receive a test email from me, please send me an email at and I will add you to our class email list.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
In addition to the supplies on the supply list posted on the PTA web page, your child will need an additional journal for writing. You can find these at Target, Staples, and The School Box!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
First grade rocks!
There's lots to do.
First grade rocks
for me and for you.
First grade rocks!
It's so much fun.
First grade rocks for everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed your summer. I am so excited to be your first grade teacher! Please see the school site, , for the supply list.
Meet and Greet - July 29
First Day of School - August 1
See you soon!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Happy Summer!
I'm glad I was your teacher
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here.
I hate to see you go.
You're such a star,
and I love you so dearly.
You light up my life,
and I mean that sincerely.
Remember all the fun we had
in all the things we did.
But most of all remember -
you're a very special kid.
I am so fortunate to have been your teacher. I can't
wait to see all the fabulous things you do in the future!
Love Always,
Ms. Britton
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here.
I hate to see you go.
You're such a star,
and I love you so dearly.
You light up my life,
and I mean that sincerely.
Remember all the fun we had
in all the things we did.
But most of all remember -
you're a very special kid.
I am so fortunate to have been your teacher. I can't
wait to see all the fabulous things you do in the future!
Love Always,
Ms. Britton
Snow Day! |
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Field Day |
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Cagle's Dairy |
Monday, May 23, 2016
12/24 & 12/25
Tuesday 5/24
Please send in backpacks! Tuesday is the last day to send things home. Student's will need their backpacks. Dismissal will begin at 12:30. Please plan accordingly!
Wednesday 5/25
Do not send in backpacks! If possible, send your child's lunch in a disposable Ziploc or paper bag. Dismissal will begin at 12:30. Please plan accordingly!
Please send in backpacks! Tuesday is the last day to send things home. Student's will need their backpacks. Dismissal will begin at 12:30. Please plan accordingly!
Wednesday 5/25
Do not send in backpacks! If possible, send your child's lunch in a disposable Ziploc or paper bag. Dismissal will begin at 12:30. Please plan accordingly!
Last week was full of fun activities. As a class we made a ceiling tile that will remain in our classroom for years to come!
Our Class Ceiling Tile - "You Were Made to be Awesome"
We also ended our economics unit by spending the money we earned at the First Grade Village's shops. The kids loved the Sugar Shack, Salon, Movie Theater, Club Campbell, and Game Room.
After Economics Day, we hung out with the entire First Grade to sign year books and memory books.
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