Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a wonderful break! I am looking forward to having the kids back in school. Here is some information for the upcoming month:

Sciene Fair:

Are you a mad scientist? Show off your science skills in the Due West Science Fair! Below are the important dates that you need to know in order to participate. I can't wait to see what you come up with! (Not required, but encouraged) :)

Science Fair Dates:
January 16 - Registration deadline for entries
January 24 - Judging for K-2
January 25 - Judging for 3-5
February 1 - Awards at the PTA meeting

February 10 - County Science Fair - KMHS


We will be going outside for recess - EVEN IN THIS SUPER COLD WEATHER! Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. 

3rd Quarter Enrichment:

We will be going to the Writing Lab this quarter as our Enrichment Special. We will get to work on writing projects with Mrs. Flacke! 

January 9:
Spirit Night at Freddy's!

January 12:
Silly Sock Day - Bring in 1 dollar to wear Silly Socks! Your dollar will support Relay For Life! 

January 15:
MLKJr. Day - No school!

January 26 - Lego/STEM night