Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Money Song

We've been practicing identifying money, how much each coin is worth, and also how to make numbers with the coins! You can do this at home with your kiddos too!


How can you make 23 with coins?

Possible answers:

23 pennies

2 dimes and 3 pennies

1 dime, 2 nickels, and 3 pennies,

4 nickels and 3 pennies

and more!

Practicing this at home will help build number sense, adding fluency, and money knowledge.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week of 8/28

Looking for "Other" homework ideas for your Homework Log? Check these out...

* Our class is learning about nouns. Make a list of 20 nouns in your house.*
*Our class is learning about weather. Design an outfit for each season - Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall.*
*Our class is learning about different math strategies. Use the Parent Resource that will be sent home Monday to let your child practice/ teach you the Tens Frame Math Strategy.*
*Study Spelling Words*
*Practice your Global Address: Planet, Continent, Country, State, County, City, Address.*

Monday, August 21, 2017


We will begin spelling this week. Please see below for a list of ideas you can use to study your child's spelling words!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

2 Weeks Down...

We have officially been in first grade for two weeks! Can you believe it? We have been making new friends, getting to know each other, and practicing new routines. We will continue to practice routines as we start diving more into curriculum.

Homework logs will be in folders this week. If your family would like more opportunities and resources for at home learning, please use the Math Games and ELA Games tabs at the top of the blog. I recommend working in the Number Sense Padlet this week!