Welcome to first grade! I am so thrilled to be your teacher. I can't wait to meet you. ☺
Meet and Greet - July 28th
First Day of School - July 31st
Open House - August 10th @ 6:00
Other important dates for the 2017-2018 year will be posted in the tab 'Important Dates' on the top of our class blog page.
Don't forget to sign up for Reminders throughout the year -- https://remind.com/join/britton1st
By signing up for Remind I will be able to send information straight to your phone as a text message! It's a great way to stay in the loop.
Don't forget to sign up for Reminders throughout the year -- https://remind.com/join/britton1st
By signing up for Remind I will be able to send information straight to your phone as a text message! It's a great way to stay in the loop.
See you soon,
Ashley Britton